21 November 2011

Duck, Duck, Good

Remember those childhood games you used play?  Well, you might recall it better as Duck, Duck, Goose but this weekend along the hillside in Asamankese we played Duck, Duck, Good!  I went up to visit my friend Melissa – known by the local children as Merissa Merissa – where she has been based throughout her time in Ghana.  In addition to showing us around the town and a wonderful tour of the market, she took us to a tucked away hillside cluster of huts, which was the home to a small community of maybe 30 people, 20 of whom were delightful children.

Having visited a few times before, we accompanied her as she navigated our way through the path up the hillside, equipped with books, colouring sheets & crayons, and of course stickers.  However, once the stories were read, pictures drawn and stickers stuck, GAME TIME had begun.  We started with head & shoulders, which Melissa had taught them on a previous visit and they were so excited to participate as they recalled the song and actions.  Following this we assembled the group of children into a circle and preceded to demonstrate the game of Duck, Duck, Goose.  They quickly caught on and were filled with laughter as they chased one another around the circle; even the older children watching from the side were in stitches.  However, we did notice that as the game went on it wasn’t ‘goose’ for the selected chaser but rather ‘good’.  We did attempt at emphasizing ‘goose’ a few more times, but whether goose or good they were absolutely enjoying the game & hysterical with laughter that ‘good’ was good enough for me. 

Therefore, if you ever find yourself in the hillside of Asamankese be prepared for a nice game of Duck, Duck, Good :) Yesterday brought back the importance of the little things in life and how one classic Canadian children’s game can bring so much joy and so much laughter.  Thank you Asamankese!

 If you'd like to have a look at more of my pictures from Ghana please click on the link below:
Ghana photo album


  1. Great posting, love the pictures and it was so much fun to be there with you and Merissa :))

  2. haha....I love that game
